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What is stalking?

Stalking is a criminal offence. Stalking involves fixated and obsessive behaviour and can be very dangerous for victims experiencing it and their families.

According to the British Crime Survey. 1 in 6 women and 1 in 10 men will experience stalking. Research shows that up to 21 individuals connected to the victim of stalking will be contacted by the stalker, meaning family members and children of the victims may also be at risk.

How can the SAFER project help?

Embrace CVoC has an accredited Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworker (ISAC) who can provide specialist advice and safety planning support to young people up to 18, who may be at risk of stalking. These young people may be at risk from stalking indirectly as a result of an associate who is being stalked or may be experiencing direct stalking themselves.

How do you refer a young person to the SAFER project?

If the young person is up to 18 years old and is at risk from stalking you can refer them to the SAFER project online by clicking the button below.