This summer Embrace Child Victims Of Crime have facilitated two trips away to the world famous Euro Disney, where we have given a number of families a chance to go on a holiday of a lifetime.
These magical trips away have given the families a well needed respite from all the hurt and devastation back at home, as well as encouraging the children to create new friendships with other children that have been though similar traumas.
Our Disney trips have given the families a chance to create new happy memories and have some fun. A family member said ” It has allowed the boys to be children. I have seen their confidence grow in these last few days as they have socialised with other children. Knowing the background the other guests have come from helps me to relax knowing the boys are not being judged and the parents aren’t being judged” It’s wonderfully reassuring when we receive feedback like this, the support that are offering is really making a massive difference to many children’s lives.
Whilst in France Embrace CVOC and our families stay at the fantastic PGL, where there are no end of activities for the children to take part in , including Crepe-making, camp fire singing, group swimming, archery and a zip wire. A family member on the trip said “My daughters self esteem and confidence have improved when making new friends and taking part in the actives as she took on new challenges like the zip line. We all felt safe and well looked after, the atmosphere at PGL was relaxed and the children had the freedom to ‘let go’ and be themselves”
This summer Embrace CVOC have managed to reach out to even more families by co-ordinating two trips away to Disney, one at the end of July and another at the end of August, both led by the wonderful Diane Watts, former police officer from West Yorkshire. Group leader Diane Watts said ” It was a privilege and a honour to accompany these families on a trip of a lifetime, they we’re all able to enjoy what was on offer and life long friendships were made”
Embrace CVOC are taking on more referrals and are looking forward to many more trips away. Please follow the link below to view our referral form-